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  • In January 2018, TalebGroup came to Chengdu for business visit.

    On January 6, 2018, Mr. Mohammed Taleb, chairman of the Taleb Group, and group leadership from Taleb Group came to Chengdu for business visit. They visited the Director of Chengdu People's Government of Chengdu Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, visited the “Tianfu Window” and “Chengdu Planning Exhibition Hall” and had deep communication with the Chinese entrepreneurs. Taleb Group will have a deep cooperation with Chinese Entrepreneurs in diverse industries.

  • In January 2018,The platform hosted the Belt and Road project conference

    Mr.Mohammed Taleb, the Managing Director of Qatar Taleb Group visited Chengdu with Taleb Group Cambridge school leadership. Taleb Group and CDCI Education Group held in-depth talks with all parties on the implementation of the project of Chengdu Branch of Cambridge International School (China), and 2 parties signed a "Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in running schools". Meanwhile Taleb Group Cambridge school showed the willings of mutual communication with Chengdu Yandaojie Foreign Language School, CDCI Lingchuan Foreign Language School and Meishi international School, to reach a good will to build an interactive education concept exchange.

  • In February 2018, Chinesebusiness delegation visited Qatarforbusiness investigation (the first phase).

    On February 5, 2018, the platform organized more than 20 entrepreneur representatives from information technology, industry, trade, health and agriculture fields from China to Qatar for the first business visit. The entire trip took a week. They visited key development areas and projects such as Lusail New City, Special Economic Zone, Pearl Island, and Business Tourism Zone in Qatar, and held project negotiations and discussions with the Taleb Group. Through the two-day meeting with the Taleb Group, preliminary cooperation intentions were reached.

  • In April 2018, The Qatar National Delegation visited Chengdu for the first time.

    On the morning of April 16, under the active promotion of CQCC platform, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Qatar, National Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Bureau and Taleb Group visited Chengdu and received warm reception from the leadership of Chengdu Municipal Government.

  • In April 2018, The 6th Global Economic Development Forum · Qatar summit was held in Chengdu

    On the afternoon of April 16, the 6th Global Economic Development Forum · Qatar Summit press conference co-sponsored by the Ministry of Economy of Qatar, the Organizing Committee of the Global Economic Development Forum and China Qatar Commercial Center, was held in Chengdu. The Ministry of Economy of Qatar, the National Chamber of Commerce of Qatar, Taleb Group and other parties attended the conference, revealed the preparations for the summit to more than 100 news media, and invited Chinese entrepreneurs to attend the conference and discuss cooperation.

  • In April, 2018, China and Qatar entrepreneurs reception dinner was successfully held in Chengdu.

    On April 17, the delegation of Qatar attended the evening reception and exchange activity with over 350 entrepreneurs in China hosted by the CQCC platform.  They had face-to-face and in-depth exchanges with Chinese entrepreneurs. The Qatar side highly acknowledged and praised the achievements made by Chinese enterprises in the course of their development in the past decades, and welcomed and supported the development of Chinese enterprises' investment in Qatar.

  • In June 2018, Chinese business delegation visited Qatar for business investigation (the second phase).

    On June 27, 2018, the platform once again organized representatives of domestic entrepreneurs to visit Qatar. China Railway, China Construction, China Aircraft Alliance, Huashi Decoration, the Great Wall of Shenzhou, Guangtian Group, Zhifei Technology and other enterprises are represented. During this period, Huashi Decoration and Zhifei Technology respectively established joint ventures with the Taleb Group in Qatar.

  • In November, 2018, Chinese business delegation visited Qatar for business investigation (the third phase).

    On November 24, under the organization of the platform, more than 30 enterprises, represented by China Urban Construction Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute, Sichuan Huashi Group, Chongqing Puhuite Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Sichuan Guoyuan Agricultural Investment Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Asia-sino Group have formally negotiated in-depth business cooperation with Taleb Group. And a number of Chinese companies have reached a good cooperation intention in the fields of agriculture, science and technology and cultural tourism.

  • In November, 2018,  “China’s original art and featured agricultural products tasting” was successfully held in Doha.

    On November 25, “China’s original art and featured agricultural products tasting” was officially held in the conference hall of Holiday Villa Hotel, Doha. The personal works of contemporary artists from China and the original art collections together with famous agricultural products from Liangshan Prefecture and Tibet are presented in Doha. A four-hour exhibition from 18:00 to 22:00 attracted dozens of local companies in Qatar. The economically strong Muslim country on the Persian Gulf, Qatar, was deeply attracted by the charm of Oriental Art and Chinese quality.

  • In November, 2018,  The Qatar Summit of the 6th Global Economic Development Forum hosted by CQCC platform was successfully held in Doha.

    On November 26, under the impetus of CQCC, the “6th Global Economic Development Forum·2018 Belt and Road Qatar Summit” hosted by Qatar Ministry of Commerce and Industry (formerly the Ministry of Economic Affairs)  and organized by the CQCC platform was held in Doha, Qatar. A multi-national political and business scholars attended the event, including more than 200 Chinese entrepreneurs and 250 Qatar entrepreneurs. During the period, CQCC organized Chinese entrepreneurs to conduct a four-day business visit and business docking in Qatar. At the meeting, 10 Chinese companies successfully signed contracts with Qatar enterprises.

  • In February, 2019, The board meeting of CQCC platform was held at headquarters of Taleb Group in Doha

    On February 27, Mr.Wan Qi, the executive director of CQCC, on behalf of China operation center, went to Doha to participate in the board meeting of CQCC platform.The meeting clarified the focus of platform work in 2019, which will focus on the implementation of the Cambridge International School project and the mutual visits between the senior leaders from key cities in China and Qatar.

  • In May, 2019,  Hong Kong TGH fund went to Qatar to conduct due diligence on Cambridge International School

    On May 3, 2019,Hong Kong TGH fund conducted due diligence on Cambridge International School under Qatar Taleb Group, and discussed with the Taleb Group on the establishment of an international investment fund cooperation.

  • In September, 2019,  Executives of Merlot Bay Real Estate Company visited Cambridge International Schools in Qatar

    On September 4,  CQCC real estate senior management team visited talabi group in Qatar, inspected its Cambridge International School, and communicated with Chairman talabi about the establishment of Cambridge International School in Sichuan.On September 4, cqcc real estate senior management team visited talabi group in Qatar, inspected its Cambridge International School, and communicated with Chairman talabi about the establishment of Cambridge International School in Sichuan.

  • In October, 2019, Taleb Group Visited Shanghai Cloud Vision Network Co., Ltd.

    On October 20, 2019, Qatar Taleb Group visited "Shanghai Cloud Vision Network Co., Ltd.", and the two sides officially started in-depth business cooperation negotiations. Zhang Yijun, chairman of Cloud Vision Network Co., Ltd., Ms. Liu Zhu, COO of Cloud Vision Network Co., Ltd., and Mr. Wan Qi, Executive Director of "China Qatar Commercial Center", Mr. Mohammed Taleb Al Khauri, Chairman of the Qatar Taleb Group, MS. Susanna ToiLai Feng, Business Development Manager of Taleb Group and other parties attended the meeting. In the afternoon, Shanghai Cloud Vision Network Co., Ltd. and Taleb Group formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties reached an agreement on exchanges and cooperation in the fields of naked-eye 3D stereoscopic display technology, Internet TV security encryption, and ultra-wide optical fiber transmission. The two parties will make full use of the resources of all parties to conclude a strategic partnership between the two sides on a global scale, and actively explore cooperation modes including but not limited to naked-eye 3D technology and commercial products (such as mobile terminal equipment), sports, tourism, hotels, education and other industries, and jointly seek innovation and development.

  • In November, 2019, Shanghai Cloud Vision Network Co., Ltd. visited Qatar in November

    On November 9, Mr. Zhang Yijun, chairman of Shanghai Cloud Vision Network Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Cloud Vision Network”) led the company team to Qatar for a week-long business visit. With the assistance of the partner Taleb Group, Cloud Vision Network successfully completed visits to Qatar mobile operators, sports channel companies and relevant departments of Qatar Free Zone. Based on the “naked eye 3D technology”, Cloud Vision Network has conducted in-depth discussions with the relevant industry leaders of Qatar. The world-leading "naked eye 3D technology" from China has also become a hot topic of discussion and attracted great attention. During Cloud Vision Network's visit to Qatar Free Zone, its director said that the Qatar Free Zone needs to introduce high-quality enterprises such as Cloud Vision Network, which has “unique” leading technology in the world, to better fulfill the “Qatar National 2030 Plan” and realize the transformation of Qatar from an energy-based country to a diversified industrial country. As the sole partner of Cloud Vision Network in Qatar, Taleb Group plays an important role in Cloud Vision Network's visit to Qatar. Mr. Mohammed Taleb, chairman of the Taleb Group, expressed his willingness to work with Cloud Vision Network to jointly develop the Middle East and the global market and contribute to the China-Qatar economic and trade cooperation.

  • On Dec,  2019, The senior management team from Doha Cambridge International School of Taleb Group visited Chengdu

    On December 5, 2019,Mr.Mohammed Taleb,chairman of Qatar Taleb Group,  led the senior management of Doha Cambridge International School under the group to visit Chengdu to discuss with the parties on the completion of the Cambridge International School (China) Chengdu Branch project and other related matters. After in-depth talks, Taleb Group formally signed a "Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in running schools”with Chengdu Education Investment & Management Group Co., Ltd (CDEIG). Meanwhile Taleb Group Cambridge school showed the willings of mutual communication with Chengdu Yandaojie Foreign Language School, CDCI Lingchuan Foreign Language School and Meishi international School, to reach a good will to build an interactive education concept exchange.

  • On June,  2020, Leaders of Chengdu Tianxin Industrial Park Visited Shanghai Cloud Vision Group

    On June 17, at the invitation of China Qatar Commercial Center (CQCC), Chen Hua, member of the Standing Committee of Qionglai municipal Party committee / Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chengdu Tianxin Industrial functional area, Zhang Shaolin, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chengdu Tianxin Industrial functional area, Xiang Juan, chairman of Chengdu Yang'an new city company, Peng Rui, deputy director of Qionglai Investment Promotion Center, Zou Yugen, the main striker of the Lao Quanxing football team / former member of the national team / Chairman of xinhongjun Sports Co., Ltd., and other members arrived in Shanghai to visit, inspect and exchange on various industrial sectors under Shanghai Cloud Vision group. At the meeting, both sides conducted in-depth exchanges on the details of the implementation of the industry and reached a good intention of cooperation. In the future, China Qatar Commercial Center (CQCC) and Shanghai Cloud Vision group will strengthen cooperation with Tianxin Industrial functional zone in sports industry, event economy, live broadcast technology and high-tech industry.

  • On July, 2020,  Wang Qian, Secretary of Qionglai Municipal Party Committee, led a team to inspect the naked eye 3D industry of Shanghai Cloud Vision Group

    On July 1, Wang Qian, Secretary of Qionglai Municipal Party Committee arrived in Shanghai under the promotion of CQCC. Wang Qian, Secretary of Qionglai Municipal Party Committee, Chen Hua, member of the Standing Committee of Qionglai Municipal Party Committee / Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chengdu Tianxin Industrial functional area, Long Chengtao, director of Qionglai Municipal Committee Office, Zhang Shaolin, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chengdu Tianxin Industrial functional area, Yi Biao, director of Qionglai Investment Promotion Bureau, Peng Rui, deputy director of Qionglai Investment Promotion Center, and other leaders arrived in Shanghai to formally conduct inspections and exchanges on Shanghai Cloud Vision Group and its high-tech industries. The purpose of this inspection is to discuss and exchange the details of the global live broadcast event of "Naked eye 3D China Football Star Match" and the investment of Shanghai Cloud Vision Group in "naked eye 3D production capacity manufacturing base" in Qionglai Tianxin Industrial Park.  

  • On July, 2020,  Naked-eye 3D Industry Landing Fund Cooperation Conference of Shanghai Cloud Vision Group was successfully held at CQCC

    On the afternoon of July 20th, the "Naked Eye 3D Industry Landing Fund Cooperation Fair" hosted by Shanghai Cloud Vision was successfully held at China Qatar Commercial Center (CQCC). Zhang Yijun, chairman of Shanghai Cloud Vision Technology Co., Ltd., and Lu Yi, head of special funds of Cloud Vision, Wan Qi, executive director of CQCC, and Li Muzi, CEO of CQCC attended the fair and conducted in-depth discussions with a number of well-known investment and financing institutions on the implementation of the naked eye 3D industry, and reached a good consensus on cooperation.

  • On July, 2020, Global Premiere of Naked eye 3D China Football Star Match and the Signing Ceremony of the Major Projects of Qionglai City in 2020 were Successfully Held

    On July 21, after nearly a month of intense preparations, the “Global Premiere of Naked eye 3D China Football Star Match” was successfully held at the Industry Functional Zone of Tianfu New District. This event was sponsored by Qionglai Municipal People's government, and co-organized by the New Energy and New Materials Industry Functional Zone of Tianfu New District, Shanghai Cloud Vision Technology Co., Ltd., China Qatar Commercial Center (CQCC), and Xinhongjun Sports Industry Development (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. Zhang Yijun, chairman of Shanghai Cloud Vision Technology Co., Ltd., and Wang Lin, deputy secretary and mayor of Qionglai city formally signed a cooperation agreement on the "Shanghai Cloud Vision Naked-eye 3D and Intelligent 5G Equipment Industrial Park Project". It is estimated that the industrial park will invest 5 billion yuan and cover an area of 223 mu. It will build a manufacturing base for naked eye 3D equipment and 5g micro base station equipment, as well as a commercial data security business settlement center and super sub service base. It will also integrate the R & D headquarters in Hangzhou and the office headquarters in Shanghai into Qionglai. In the future, the industrial park will undertake the global production capacity manufacturing business of Shanghai Cloud Vision naked eye 3D and intelligent 5D, and strive to become a unicorn enterprise in the naked eye 3D industry. The live activities of the Naked eye 3D China Football Star Match was simultaneously broadcast live in the sub-venue of the Global Center, which attracted a large number of Chengdu residents to stop and watch and received a warm response.

  • On October, 2020, CQCC and Jiacheng Xinyue Group officially reached a strategic partnership

    On October 15, Wan Qi, the executive director of CQCC, formally led the senior management team of CQCC to visit the headquarters of Chengdu Jiacheng Xinyue Group and had a detailed negotiation with the senior management team of Jiacheng Xinyue Group on "cooperation in education, technology and real estate", and the two sides formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement. At present, the business development of Jiacheng Xinyue Property Management Group has developed to the whole country. It has settled in more than 85 cities, including Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Guiyang, Chongqing, Kunming, Changsha, Xi'an, Xianyang, Tianjin, Jinan, Qingdao, Dalian and Harbin. It has more than 195 service projects, with an area of over 85 million square meters under management and contract signing .

  • On February, 2021,CQCC officially signed a contract with Shanghai Jiaoda Education Group and China Railway Cultural Tourism Investment Group on the Cambridge International School project.

    On February 11, After a year of unremitting efforts, CQCC signed a formal cooperation agreement with China Railway Cultural Tourism Investment Group and Shanghai Jiaoda Education Group, marking that Cambridge International School has officially settled on the intelligent core area of China Railway Heilongtan International Tourism Resort. The school covers an area of 190 mu, with a total investment of more than 800 million yuan and a total construction area of 120,000 square meters.

    In the future, Cambridge International School will become the first echelon of high-quality schools in Sichuan and even the entire southwest with the cooperation of CQCC, Shanghai Jiaoda Education Group and China Railway Cultural Tourism Investment Group.

  • On July 2021, Shanghai CVN Group visited CQCC to negotiate the establishment of the global marketing headquarters

    OnJuly 21, 2021, senior executives of Shanghai Cloud Vision Group (CVN) visitedCQCC and communicated with CQCC on matters related to the establishment of thesales group headquarters of CVN Group in Chengdu. All leading technologies, products and servicesof CVN Group, especially NKD 3D technologies, will be marketedglobally through the sales group headquarters in the future.

  • On December 2021,2021 Business and Philanthropy International Forum · Chengdu Summit Forum Between Singapore and Sichuan Province in China was Successfully Held in December

    On December 13, “2021 Business and Philanthropy International Forum • Chengdu Summit Forum Between Singapore and Sichuan Province in China” was grandly held in Gran Melia Hotel in Chengdu. The theme of this forum is "Policy + Industry + Capital + Talents Help Rural Rejuvenation and Achieve Common Prosperity". It is hosted by Sichuan Innovation Human Resources Development Center, and co-organized by Cloud Vision Network Group, China Qatar Commercial Center (CQCC) and Meihua Gene Power Research Institute.

    More than 200 attendees from related enterprises and institutions participated in this forum. The leaders of enterprises and institutions include Ms. Yu Kejun, Vice Chairman of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Association and Chairman of the U.S.-China Women’s Federation, Ms. Qiao Zhihui, Dean and Chief Scientist of the Meihua Gene Power Research Institute, Ms. Zheng Xiu, Deputy Director of the Zhongguancun Medical Engineering Transformation Center, Ms. Xie Hongmei, Director of Sichuan Innovation Human Resources Development Center, Mr. Wan Qi, Executive Director of China Qatar Commercial Center (CQCC) and Senior Vice President of Cloud Vision Network Group, Mr. Tang Wen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Furuizhi Holding Group, Mr. Zhang Liang, Chairman of Wanhong Group, Mr. Liu Liangxu, Secretary-General of Sichuan Federation of Foreign Chambers of Commerce, and Mr. Li Lei, Chairman of Huaxi Taoli Chunfeng (Chengdu) Construction Development Group, etc.

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